Exhibitions, awards, residencies, work, events…
New York University Tisch School of the Arts. I.T.P (Interactive. Telecommunications, Program) Master degree 2017-2019.
Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. (2004-2007) Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, 2007. Transferred from Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago de Chile. (2002- 2003)
Labloom Photography Academy, Bogota. Studio Photography Diploma, 2015.
4th I.I.L.A International Photography award (Italian Latin American Institute) 1st place award. Rome 2011.
The Liberation-Apaj 2013 (French journal), first place award in the photography category. Paris 2013.
I was invited to exhibit my work in Paris at the St Germain station.
Residency in Rome, hosted by the Italian-Latinamerican Institute (I.I.LA). September 2011. I was invited to exhibit it at the X Rome International Photography Festival and to continue developing the project as an artist in residence in Rome, having Marco Delogu as a tutor (photographer, curator, creator and director of the International photography festival).
“Reflex Bogotá”, Nicolas Sanín. Editorial Laguna Libros. 2011
Interactive book “play-book”, published as part of the photographic series “Reflex Project”.
“Habitantes de Bogotá”, Co-author.
“30 points of view, inhabitants of Bogota” 2010. Collective photography book about inhabitants of Bogota.
“Revelations from an insomniac photographer” Conference at Alianza Francesa sede Barranquilla. 2014.
Creative workshop: Photography as a game. Alianza Francesa. Barranquilla. 2014.
“The players project”: a talk about the photographic project. Conference and conversation at
Alianza Francesa. Barranquilla. 2016.
Creative workshop: Walking and looking at the city. Alianza Francesa. Barranquilla. 2016.
Multimedia artist . 2005 to date.
I have developed a meaningful interdisciplinary body of work that has been exhibited to diverse audiences and different contexts, since 2005. In
important cultural institutions in different countries and awarded by the Italian Latin American Institute, and the French Journal Liberation.
Nicolas Sanin, New York —Photography and video 2010 to date.
I have worked as a freelance photographer and also worked and collaborated with companies and clients like Mosaico Studio in New York,
Galería Alonso Arte in Bogota, Hratch Arbach Atelier in New York, and Caracol Televisión Colombia, and others. My photographic work has been
published in magazines and newspapers like Esquire Colombia, Liberation, Avianca Magazine, La Silla Vacía, El Tiempo, El Espectador, Diario El Heraldo, among others.
Testing technician at Botfactory. New York. 2020 to 2022.
I worked as a designer and creative technologist at Botfactory at the Research and development, designing and implementing tests for the improvement of the hardware, software and materials for the electronic printing system the company manufactures, and working with the software development team to improve the user experience. Nicolas Sanin - Photography and video. 2010 - PRESENT. I have worked as a freelance photographer and also worked and collaborated with companies and clients like Mosaico Studio in New York, Galería Alonso Arte in Bogota, Hratch Arbach Atelier in New York, and Caracol Televisión Colombia, and others. My photographic work has been published in magazines and newspapers like Esquire Colombia, Liberation, Avianca Magazine, La Silla Vacía, El Tiempo, El Espectador, Diario El Heraldo, among others.
Art production assistant at Hratch Arbach Atelier. New York. 2020
I worked as a Production assistant for Hratch Arbach at his art studio in New York, for the realization and documentation of the interactive installation "Mawtini"(Motherland), presented during the Philosophers Night in 2020 at the Brooklyn Library 2020.
Art History Professor . Sergio Arboleda University. Bogotá, Colombia 2009 to 2017,
I taught art history to students from different backgrounds at the Universidad Sergio Arboleda in Colombia.
Teacher Assistant Labloom photography academy, Bogotá, Colombia 2015
I worked a professor assistant at the Advertising Photography Diploma. My job was to assist students at workshops and the professor in coordinating activities and to serve as and advisor for students.
Museum Educator at Ministry of culture, Educational division of the “Casa Museo Quinta de Bolívar” (Simon Bolivar house Museum) Colombia 2007 to 2009
I worked for two years with a very broad audience at the House Museum of Simon Bolivar (administered by the Ministry of Culture from Colombia). I worked with different types of workshops and guided tours with students from five years old children to college students. Also with senior citizens, and the general audience.
· "DICE DALAS" Chashama. New York. 2021 Solo exhibition.
· "THE SPRING SHOW" I.T.P graduate program student exhibition. Tisch School of the Arts. New York. 2019 Collective exhibition.
· “The Residents Show” Group Performance “The Rite of Computing” (Seho, Mel, and Nico). Collab, Brooklyn New York. 2019
· “PHOTOIILA, 10 ANNI DEL PREMIO IILA-FOTOGRAFÍA”, Mattatoio Roma. Rome 2018. Collective exhibition.
· "THE WINTER SHOW" I.T.P graduate program student exhibition. Tisch School of the Arts. New York. 2017 Collective exhibition.
· “PLAYERS”Alianza Francesa. Barranquilla. 2016 Solo exhibition.
· “SEMANA DE LA FOTOGRAFÍA” (Photography Week).Alianza Francesa. Barranquilla. 2016 Collective Exhibition.
· “LA GARZA” (The Heron). Colegio de Nuestra Señora del Rosario. Bogota. 2016 Collective Exhibition.
· “ABSTRACIÓN Y GEOMETRÍA” (Abstraction and Geometry) Galería el Museo. Bogota. 2016 Collective Exhibition. Exhibited
· “POÉTICA DEL ESPACIO” (Poetics of Space) Galería de Arte, Teatro de Bellas Artes Cafam. Bogota. 2016 Collective Exhibition.
· “FOTOGRAFÍA TRANSVERSAL” (Transvesal photography) Galería el Museo. Bogota. 2015 Collective Exhibition.
· “#FOTO360” (#PHOTO360)GaleríaOtros360grados.Bogota. 2015 Collective Exhibition.
· “LA CIUDAD: DEL CAOS A LA POESÍA” (The City: From Chaos to Poetry)Galería de arte del
· Club el Nogal. Bogota. Collective Exhibition.
· “LA LOCURA AUTOMÁTICA” (The Automatic Insanity) Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración. C.E.S.A Bogota Solo exhibition.
· “PROYECTO RÉFLEX” (The Reflex Project) Galería de Arte Combarranquilla Country. 2014 Barranquilla. Solo exhibition.
· “PROYECTO RÉFLEX” Antigua Estación de Ferrocarril, Fundación Puerto Colombia. Puerto Colombia. 2014 Solo exhibition.
· “THE RÉFLEX PROJECT” Centro Cultural y Educativo Clemente Soto Vélez. New York 2013 Solo exhibition.
St Germain Station. Paris. 2013 Collective Exhibition.
· “II FESTIVAL DE ARTE EQUINOCCIO EXPLORACIONES” (II Equinox eplorations festival) La Junta. Bogota. 2013Collective Exhibition.
· “LA FOTOJUNTA” (The Photo Gathering) La Junta. Bogota. 2013 Collective Exhibition.
· “ARTE A LA LATA” (Tons of art) Universidad Sergio Arboleda. Bogota. 2012Collective Exhibition
· 12th Rome International Photography Festival. M.A.C.R.O Testaccio (Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome). Rome. 2011 Collective Exhibition
· “SER Y VER” (To be and to see), Photography exhibition by Fernando Cano and Nicolás Sanín. Museo de Artes Visuales Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Bogota 2012
· “II ENCUENTRO DE ARTE PORTÁTIL.” (2nd Encounter of portable art) Gallera San Miguel. Bogota 2012. Collective exhibition
· Art event “ALTERNATE RISK TRANSFER POKER ART PROJECT”, Gallera San Miguel (Third place award!) Bogota. 2011
· 11th Rome International Photography Festival. M.A.C.R.O Testaccio ((Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome ) Rome. 2011
· “ALEA JACTA EST (the dice as been cast)”, Galería Art.co. Bogota 2010 Solo exhibition
Collective exhibition “IV SALÓN BIDIMENSIONAL DE ARTE”. Fundación Gilberto Alzate
· Avendaño. Bogota 2009-2010 Collective exhibition
· for young artists). Nogal Club Art Gallery. Bogota. 2009. Collective exhibition
· “ARTECAMARA”,(Art-chamber) Bogota Contemporary Art Fair.Bogota. 2007
· Collective exhibition
· “EL MUESTREO: CHISTE INTERNO” (The showing: Internal joke) at theUniversity of the Andes and Galería Santa Fe”. Bogota 2007 Collective exhibition
· “CLASES DE DIBUJO” (Drawing lessons) the “Salón Nacional de Artistas número 40” (40th National artists Salon) Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango, Casa Republicana.Bogota. 2006 Collective exhibition
· ESCULTURA BLANDA (Soft sculpture) “Salón Regional de Artistas” (Regional artists Salon), “Claustro San Agustín” in Tunja. Also exhibited in Bogota at the“Archivo General de la Nación” 2006. “Salón Nacional de Artistas número 40” (40thNational artists Salon) 2005 - 2006 Collective exhibition
Street and Studio photography. Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Premiere, Vectorworks. Painting and drawing. Sculpture and installation work. Engraving and etching. Experience in mounting exhibitions. Basic coding skills in Javascript, Processing and Python. Physical computing.